The 2024 Main NHRT is comprised of:
Carlie Devine (Chair; CSIRO)
Holly Wiersma (Secretary, DNRE)
Carolyn Hogg (University of Sydney)
Helen Crawford (DNRE)
Pam Spurr (Friends of the Red Handfish)
Rachelle Hawkins (Seahorse World)
Jemina Stuart-Smith (IMAS)
Jennifer Hemer (NRM South)
Max Bayly (DCCEEW)
Jane Gallichan (TarFish)
Aunty Cheryl Mundy
Science sub committee:
Jemina Stuart-Smith (IMAS; Chair)
Ross Monash (DNRE)
Neville Barrett (IMAS)
Rick Stuart-Smith (IMAS)
Toby Patterson (CSIRO)
Carlie Devine (CSIRO)
Max Bayly (DCCEEW)
Local developments subcommittee:
Carlie Devine (CSIRO; Chair)
Tyson Bessell (IMAS)
Christine Coughanowr (Tasmanian Independent Science Council)
Beth Strain (IMAS)
Captive management subcommittee
Rachelle Hawkins (Seahorse World, Seahorse Australia; Chair)
Laura Simmons (SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium; Vice Chair)
Andrew Trotter (IMAS)
Carolyn Hogg (University of Sydney)
Ross Monash (DNRE)
Sharon Appleyard (CSIRO)
Jennifer Voss (DNRE)