National Handfish Recovery Team (NHRT)


About the NHRT

The National Handfish Recovery Team (NHRT) was formed in 2014 and coordinates the research program for the three species of handfish in Tasmania in accordance with the Recovery Plan for Three Handfish Species. 
The members of this team include relevant experience from Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (Commonwealth), Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania, the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) at the University of Tasmania, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO; Commonwealth), University of Sydney, NRM South, Seahorse World, Tasmanian Independent Science Council, Marine Solutions, SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium, Zoo and Aquarium Association, and community members from the Friends of the Red Handfish. 
Emails us on: [email protected] 
The 2024 Main NHRT is comprised of:
Carlie Devine (Chair; CSIRO)
Holly Wiersma (Secretary, DNRE)
Carolyn Hogg (University of Sydney)
Helen Crawford (DNRE)
Pam Spurr (Friends of the Red Handfish)
Rachelle Hawkins (Seahorse World)
Jemina Stuart-Smith (IMAS)
Jennifer Hemer (NRM South)
Max Bayly (DCCEEW)
Jane Gallichan (TarFish)
Aunty Cheryl Mundy
Science sub committee:
Jemina Stuart-Smith (IMAS; Chair)
Ross Monash (DNRE)
Neville Barrett (IMAS)
Rick Stuart-Smith (IMAS)
Toby Patterson (CSIRO)
Carlie Devine (CSIRO)
Max Bayly (DCCEEW)
Local developments subcommittee:
Carlie Devine (CSIRO; Chair)
Tyson Bessell (IMAS)
Christine Coughanowr (Tasmanian Independent Science Council)
Beth Strain (IMAS)
Captive management subcommittee
Rachelle Hawkins (Seahorse World, Seahorse Australia; Chair)
Laura Simmons (SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium; Vice Chair)
Andrew Trotter (IMAS)
Carolyn Hogg (University of Sydney)
Ross Monash (DNRE)
Sharon Appleyard (CSIRO)
Jennifer Voss (DNRE)
Contact the Handfish Conservation Project

Standard Post

Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania
IMAS Waterfront Building
20 Castray Esplanade,
Battery Point TASMANIA 7004

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